Plastic Recycling Schemes

Recycling Calendars
Recycling in Hampshire varies alot depending on which area you live, but in many areas plastics are not widely recycled. You may be able to throw the odd bottle in your recycling bin, but do you really know what happens to your bottle!
We firstly want to reduce our plastic waste, so have a shop full of plastic free, fully recyclable products. We have started refill schemes, so that you can start the process of using only easily recyclable products. Sustainability is also at the heart of what we buy and sell and we are making every effort to find products that meet the idea of sustainable!!
We are offering our recycling scheme across Hampshire, mainly Winchester, Basingstoke & Southampton, but many other areas are being added all year round.
Why we collect? Every plastic item has a stream that it will need to continue with, we sort the streams and send on for recycling with a variety of customers. So depending on what items we have, depends on where they may end up. We even save some for ourselves to use as material for 3D printing!!
What we collect? We are collecting all types of plastics ranging from Water, Drinks, Cleaning & Milk bottles, Butter, Yoghurt, Ice Cream Tubs to all your soft plastics, where some may be included in Terracycle Scheme that create donations for all types of charities.
How we collect? Every month, we visit all our customers to collect presorted bags of plastics, 5 bags are provided of each colour, so you can help us sort each type of plastic (Details are provided when you sign up to the scheme). We can visit on different frequencies as needed as we know that alot of you already are buying less plastic. We let you know in advance, usually at the beginning so you have time to sort into each bags for us. This helps you to understand the different types of plastic and gain knowledge on products that you may like to move to in the future.
If you think that you could benefit from learning how to recycle plastics and join us on our journey, you can sign up below and we will contact you within a few days to let you know when we can get you started!!
Choose from either, Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly or adhoc collections.
The price includes your coloured bags, full instructions for recycling and your arranged collection/s. Details of dates will be made available on our website and you will be able to check when your collections are due.
If you opt for a yearly subscription with monthly collections, you can also have the further discounts in our shop and for our refill services.